The goldsmith district in Vicenza
Goldsmithing and the processing of precious metals in general are among the flagships of Made in Italy and constitute one of the pillars of Italian clothing-fashion.
This is mainly thanks to the activity of the three main goldsmith districts: Valenza, Arezzo, Vicenza.
The founder of C2, Gian Battista Cipriani, cooperated with all three districts, thus coming into contact with the main dynamics and the most ancient traditions of this sector, using them to meet the most demanding requests of goldsmiths, with C2 diamond tools.
Furthermore, the main headquarters of C2 is located in the goldsmith district of Vicenza, in Bassano del Grappa.
History of the Vicenza district
The first evidence of the presence of goldsmith activity in the Vicenza area dates back to the Iron Age, when the numerous gold jewels found in the area were produced.
In the history of the fundamental Vicenza district there is an important date, 1399. The year in which the act of the constitution of the “Fraglia degli Orafi di Vicenza” is established, that is, the formation of a corporation of 150 artisans from Vicenza, which testifies the existence of a flourishing goldsmith activity.
The goldsmith district of Vicenza also developed an important link with the Serenissima Republic of Venice during the 1500s. In fact, the products of the Vicenza artisans were in great demand by the Venetian nobles and the church, as a manifestation of their wealth and power. This led the artisan workshops to expand further, transforming Vicenza and Bassano del Grappa into the most important centres of the territory.
However, only during the Renaissance did the goldsmith art of Vicenza reach its maximum expression thanks also to the work of Valerio Belli, an intimate friend of Michelangelo and Raphael, who as aresult of his mastery was mentioned by Vasari in his writings “Vite“.
In 1800, however, there was an actual industrialization of the sector. In fact, alongside the ancient workshops and laboratories, small companies began to develop, mostly family-run, which, over time, passed on the goldsmith tradition and at the same time continued to innovate, thus managing to satisfy and anticipate fashion trends on international markets.
The goldsmith district in Vicenza
The Vicenza goldsmith district is one of the most important national goldsmith districts, in fact with over 800 companies and almost 10,000 employees it produces a turnover of 3,000 million euros and, together with the district of Arezzo, today holds the Italian leadership in goldsmith production.
Today Vicenza companies process about 40% of the gold imported into Italy with a turnover that derives almost 50% from exports.
The production is of a medium-high range, with products of high quality and value. The activity is widespread throughout the provincial territory, with a greater concentration in Vicenza, and with a prevalence of medium and small-sized companies, often of an artisanal nature and highly specialized in Trissino and Bassano del Grappa.
Vicenza also hosts one of the most important fairs in the sector Vicenzaoro, which attracts visitors from all over the world every year, making the city the Italian and international capital of goldsmiths.
Characteristics of the Vicenza district
The typical companies of the Vicenza gold district are mostly of an artisan nature, with some important large industrial companies. Over time these companies, thanks to technologically advanced machinery and tools such as our diamond tools, have been able to reach high production volumes.
The typical creations made in Vicenza are chains, straps and medals, which can be worked with tools such as our diamond wire dies and our posalux. These productions are carried out in particular in the area of Bassano del Grappa, headquarters of C2.
Today however, the production range is more diversified. In fact, fine jewellery and mini-jewellery are also made, with the creation of lighter and more refined and sophisticated items like our hydrocopiers and our diamond milling cutters.
Strengths of the Vicenza goldsmith district
Among the strengths that distinguish this district and that make it one of the most important districts in Italy, we can include:
- High production quality
- Production flexibility;
- Strong orientation towards foreign markets;
- Unique experience, know-how and skills
- The complete goldsmith chain, of which C2 is also a part of.
- Internationally renowned trade fairs
- Training and research centres specialised in the processing of precious metals, such as the precious metals laboratory at the Chamber of Commerce;
- Innovative initiatives on the subject of research, communication and the development of creativity
- Strong cohesion of the territorial system, aimed at improving the support and promotion network of the sector.
The goldsmith district in Vicenza
C2 is a manufacturer of diamond tools, useful for processes such as dressing, roughing and finishing of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, aluminum, copper and bronze), located in the heart of Bassano del Grappa, one of the major production centres in the goldsmith district of Vicenza.
In addition to the standard range, the C2 design studio is able to assist and provide advice to the customer to create customised tools even with particularly complex angles and shaping, allowing goldsmiths to innovate their processing techniques, with a consistent view towards tradition.
C2 Diamond Tools, diamond tools Vicenza, goldsmith district, industrial diamond, industrial diamond tools, natural diamond tools, synthetic diamond, synthetic diamond tools, the goldsmith district in Vicenza, Vicenza